Facts and figures:
The study published in the New England Journal of Medicine ran for five years and involved 76 children and young adults at very high risk of developing type 1 diabetes.
‘Teplizumab’ delayed the onset of diabetes by two years.
The Royal Melbourne Hospital is one of 28 sites that participated in the study conducted by TrialNet, the largest clinical trial network ever assembled to discover ways to delay and prevent type 1 diabetes.
This trial is being run in conjunction with several others that will likely have major changes for diabetes worldwide.
Ask the expert:
The Royal Melbourne Hospital’s Associate Professor John Wentworth
“We have known for over 3 decades how to identify children who are destined to develop type 1 diabetes. Now, for the first time, we have something that will improve their prospects and delay the need to start insulin injections to control blood sugar levels.”
“These results are incredibly encouraging.”
The details:
For more information about current Australian clinical trials can be found at www.diabetesresearchcentre.org.au/clinical-trials
More information about TrialNet can be found at www.trialnet.org