[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The latest round of funding through the Government’s National Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC) Partnership Projects scheme will fund six projects.

The Government’s investment is matched by Partner Organisations, demonstrating a joint commitment to bringing the best and most up-to-date research discoveries to the Australian community.

The University of Melbourne will receive over $415,920 to assess suicides in public places that have become known as ‘suicide hotspots’. The research will provide practical guidance on how best to deal with suicide hotspots.

Suicides at hotspots have a massive ripple effect on the loved ones of those who have died, and are traumatic for those who live or work at these sites. Almost a third of all suicides occur in locations that are or may become hotspots, and there may be as many as 120 hotspots in Australia.

The research team will collaborate with five Partner Organisations that fund, deliver, advise on and advocate for interventions to prevent suicides in public places.

The University of Newcastle will receive $734,163 to improve antenatal care to prevent excess weight gain.

Weight gain outside recommended levels during pregnancy contributes to a range of adverse outcomes for the mother and child, including gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, preterm birth and obesity.

Despite guidelines recommending routine weighing and weight gain care being provided by antenatal services, 50-70% of women gain weight outside recommended levels during pregnancy.

The University of Sydney will receive $1,108,389 to develop the Get Health Coaching Service to reduce the burden of low back pain.

Australia spends $9 billion annually on low back pain management. The proposed approach aims to improve health services and processes in low back pain management, at low cost, and be readily implementable across Local Health Districts in NSW.

These grants will support our health and medical research workforce, providing opportunities for more health advances and for direct impact on Australians’ quality of life.

A list of recipients can be found on NHMRC’s Partnership Projects web page. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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