NSW Health On-Line Vaccine Care Training Module

How it works:

All General Practitioners must ensure at least one staff member has taken the NSW Health on-line vaccine care training module.

NSW Health will be working with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, the Australian Medical Association, the Medical Council of NSW, and the Primary Health Networks to assist in reminding GPs of their vaccine care obligations.

Why it matters:

The Medical Council of NSW and the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission are investigating and responding to incidents of patients that have been vaccinated with improperly kept vaccines.

Ask the expert:

Dr Kerry Chant, NSW Chief Medical Officer

“While NSW Health does not have responsibility for GPs, we are working with GPs and assisting co-regulators to ensure patients are correctly and effectively vaccinated.”

“Vaccines need to be stored at an optimal temperature range to ensure patients are protected from illness such as the flu, measles, or meningococcal disease.”

The details:

The free vaccine cold chain management online learning module is available at https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/immunisation/Pages/cold-chain-management.aspx

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