Wendy Rogers is Professor of Clinical Ethics at Macquarie University, Sydney, where she holds a joint appointment between the Department of Clinical Medicine and the Department of Philosophy. Wendy is co-chair of the Safety, Quality and Ethics Program of the Australian Alliance for AI in Healthcare. Wendy has a longstanding interest in the ethics and regulation of innovative technologies. Her current projects include ethical issues raised by AI in healthcare, the ethics of surgical research and innovation, the ethics of synthetic biology, and transplant abuse in China. Wendy has served two terms on the Australian Health Ethics Committee and has had longstanding involvement in the drafting and revision of the current and previous versions of the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research. She was named in 2019 by Nature as one of ten people who matter in science for her work exposing publication of unethical transplant research, and was the Australian 2019 national research field leader in bioethics.

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